
We’re proud to introduce our bakslap brand ambassadors. All fantastic individuals pursuing their passion and making an impact in the local community. We work together to share and support one another’s journey.

Harri Jones

Harri Jones is a 21-year-old professional racing driver from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. In 2019, Harri won the Porsche Michelin GT3 Cup Challenge Australia and currently races in the Porsche PAYCE Carrera Cup.

Harri is an impressive young man and we look forward to supporting him on his quest for international success and are super excited about our continuing partnership.” Said Raph.

Collette Emily

Collette Emily is an international fashion stylist. 

“A lot of things in life are out of our control BUT looking after yourself, nourishing yourself, loving yourself and protecting your skin outdoors is all very much in your control.”

“The fashion industry has a huge aesthetic focus on the way we look. I feel so strongly about sharing the message to be sun safe and sun aware at every age.”

Jay Allen OAM

As a young man I spent a lot of time at the gym with my friends looking healthy and feeling good. We’d lift weights, do a bit of boxing, and then hit the solarium for a quick blast of fake sun. I never got a tan. Instead I got melanoma.

In 2008 at the age of 32 with a lovely family and new home I was given a 60% chance to live. Fast forward to now, I have been cancer free since. Not everyone is so lucky – melanoma is the most common cancer affecting 15 to 39 year old Australians and every year 14,000 are diagnosed with the disease.

My life is now dedicated to travelling around the country, sharing my story and raising awareness of and funds for research – to find a cure and end melanoma

Kirra Molnar

First learning to surf a shortboard at the age of 6 and at 12 years old moved over to Fiji, which allowed her to experience some of the best reef breaks in the world. Competing in mostly shortboard events throughout school she then got into longboarding. 

Now a professional longboarder on the WSL World Tour. Surf coach and fitness trainer with a degree in Business and Sports & Exercise Science. Meet our new bakslap ambassador Kirra Molnar… 

Lucy Bowden

A country girl at heart, I’ve always had a love for sport and the outdoors. Whilst growing up among the gum trees of the Adelaide Hills and riding horses at a high level – a severe horse riding fall required me to take time away from the sport close to my heart and re-evaluate the future.

On the comeback to fitness, I discovered the sport of Triathlon, and like anything, I cannot give something just one go – It’s all in or nothing!

Mitchell Donoghue

I stumbled across bakslap whilst browsing the pages of Instagram and was initially attracted by the pastel coloured products and famous legionnaires hat.

After diving a little bit deeper I found there was a pertinent story that accompanied the product. Raph’s history really highlighted the devastating effects of melanoma and the profound impact this is having on the Australian community, especially those in my age group.

As the days passed, I felt more and more inclined to help, by using the platform of Triathlon.

Rachael Walshe

Growing up in rural Australia I understood the value of both the land and the relationships we form with it. One day I’d love an education reform, to teach our future generations about the environment in the environment.

“After my many years of study, research and international adventures, it has been tests of resilience, determination and learning to accept whatever life may bring, has helped shape who I am.”

I’m stoked to be a bakslap ambassador for two reasons.

Coming Soon

We look forward to sharing our next bakslap ambassador very soon. 

He is an outdoor adventurer and seems to say ‘yes’ to any opportunity. An all-round great guy!